From $489/month

Sign Up Here
  • Up to 150transactions p/mth
  • Using paperless payable’s
  • Unlimited email support
  • Weekly processing session
  • Monthly reconciliations
  • Monthly accountant review
  • Monthly P&L and balance sheet
  • Live finance dashboard
  • Asset register & depreciation
  • Liaison with tax accountant
  • Working papers for year end
Additional options:
  • Payroll from $6.50 p/payslip
  • Supplier statement reconciliation
  • Sales invoicing
  • Weekly management reporting
  • BAS services from $120 p/BAS
  • Virtual CFO services

This fixed fee option is great for small to medium businesses with more activity

How it works

Bookkeeping fixed fee subscriptions are paid monthly in advance.

OnVenture will:
  • processes bank feeds weekly and provide you notification of any transactions which require further instructions.
  • maintain your online filling system which you can send receipts and bills to and fetches bank statements and some bills automatically.
  • provide you a management report monthly which includes a P&L and Balance sheet report among other informative reports.
  • processes bank feeds and invoices uploaded or fetched weekly and provide you notification of any transactions which require further instructions. This way you can remember the transaction and provide good advice on its particulars.
  • provide you an online filling system which you can send receipts and bills to and fetches bank statements and some bills automatically.
  • provide you a management report monthly which includes a P&L and Balance sheet report among other informative reports.
  • provide you access to a live* financial dashboard providing you insights to your financial performance and position.
  • be available to you when you need assistance with unlimited email support.
  • alert you to any compliance deadlines and help you stay compliant.

For businesses registered for GST, combine this plan with a BAS compliance package and you can rest assured you are always compliant.

* Live dashboard is automatically updated once daily.

Sign Up Here
“Bryan has been our CFO for over 7 years and during this time has helped our business grow from a modest single truck operation to now a fleet of 6 trucks and a pass-up team. He has been imperative to our success, introduces new technologies, regularly provide insight to improve our financial performance and drives efficiency throughout our operation”
Steven Garrard, Stevo Freight Pty Ltd